Sculpted Native Bath Bombs in an Abalone shellSculpted Native Bath Bombs in an Abalone shell

Sculpted Native Mask Bath Bombs in Abalone Shell

First Man Sculpted Bath Bombs cast from carved native masks by Kwakwaka 'wakw artist Tim Alfred. Trio in a West Coast Abalone Shell
Sale: $24.95

Sculpted Bath Bombs cast from carved native masks by Kwakwaka 'wakw artist Tim Alfred. Trio in a West Coast Abalone Shell. Based on the story of Raven finding First Man in a shell. Scented with an Essential Oil blend of Sage, Cedarwood Atlas, Fir Needle, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Pine

Units in box: 4
0.5KG / 1.1Lbs / Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 1.5 inches